The Awakening Quest: 1001 Ways to True Power & Conscious Elevated Living

Transforming Perspectives: Gratitude + Journaling for a Conscious Shift - This Month's 1001 Ways

Liz Gracia Episode 141

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Have you ever felt stuck in a negative mindset or downward spiral? Or felt like things need to be more consistently going your way? 

Today I will talk about a simple yet effective tool to help you shift your perspective and boost your well-being: a gratitude journal.

And do you know what happens when you put gratitude and journaling together? 

You get one of 1001 ways of being of higher consciousness.

Now, if you are already engaged in a gratitude journal, then today I'll take a deeper dive into the benefits of a gratitude journal and journaling in general and give you a mighty calibration of the powerful attractor field of energy that a gratitude journal is.

Or suppose you are not into a gratitude journal. In that case, I'll also put the power of gratitude, thankfulness, and journaling into context with their mighty calibrations.

If you are looking for just one decisive way to be of higher consciousness and you love journaling to boot, then this month's episode of 1001 Ways to be of higher consciousness could be just what the doctor ordered to validate your high vibe efforts!

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